Challenging The New Era Of Human Mind's Blunders

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Le Banc en Hiver

When Deep Blue defeated Kasparov, people wondered if what Kubrik has indicated in his science-fiction 2001: A Space Odyssey is on the edge of reality. For me, there's no fear because of technological advantages that may lead to a complete retiring of human mind.
A machine, regardless of how it can be used and without noticing its power of calculation and semi-mind state is still something which needs human kind as its user. A microprocessor can never have a meaning without someone to manage it and use it. If a machine can have feeling which we see in most science-fiction movies, it will feel useless and depressed without having a human user!
So, there's nothing horrible with these machines yet and may be forever. But if you ask me, what am I afraid of? I'll have an answer in hand:
In my point of view, metal benches are more scary things than microprocessors. They have their independence of use. They are creatures which do not need men to give them meaning. if nobody turn on a PC for 100 years, it'll remain quiet calm and it may feel useless. But a bench does not; he can stand still for 100 years without needing someone to seat on him. And this fact looked so terrible to me. We created so simple things that do not need us anymore!

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Toumaj B. Othmun, West Los Angeles (310) 893-0934

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