Challenging The New Era Of Human Mind's Blunders

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Modern Superstitions

First of all I like to mention that the idea behind inventing the superstitions – regardless of the system they invented inside of it – is to use people beliefs as their own slavery chains. Due to this fact, we can see that a modern society can have its own superstitions too. When people don’t know much about their religion, priests can invent more and more tales and add them to the religion and after a long time replace the basic facts of the religion by their own damned tales.
In a modern society strategy owner, states, philosophers and sociologists can invent more and more superstitions and feed people and like the previous case turn the people to addicts of those hobbits and beliefs again. On the other side, lack of awareness can cause even more serious problems in both cases. When people choose to be blind, when they choose to be slaves instead of free men, they feed themselves with misconceptions and misunderstandings instead of facts, whether those facts come from their religion or a specific philosophical system. Avant-gardes in modernizing the third world countries always suggest an enforced renaissance:

"We got to kick out the religion and its superstitions. It worked well in Europe so long ago."

All right! Kick out then, but be aware of not to substitute the old superstitions with new ones. Every time a new religion came to Iran, past time beliefs and traditions penetrated to the core of the brand new religion. If we consider the historic tradition – what is the core of any worthy sociological theory – we find out that the disaster always happened so far by such avant-gardism. If you want to kick out the superstitions you can purify the religion itself. Suggest people to think about what they already have. It's a crime to undermine the old traditional values and not to let the science to create new values based on the new world order suggested by north; otherwise you destructed the whole society. Also spoke Dewey.

Look at Japan as a good example of what happens by enforcing our desired renaissance:
70 percent out of their movie industry products are pornographic movies it also has the highest rate of suicide commitments in the world. Look at South Korea, their presidential candidates are directly suggested by WTO and ought to follow their policies and guidelines.
On the other side the south west Asia and also Latin America suffered more than these for instance the credit provided by IMF to prevent the economical collapse of UK government in 1976 was about 4 Billion USD. In 1994 this amount raised to 48 Billion USD for Mexico and 3 years after reached 60 Billion USD for South Korea. These countries are well known to our avant-gardes as progressing economical giants. After the world accepted the turn off to New World Order suggested by north and started modernizing the third world, the results were very interesting to review: from 1960 to 1991 the share of very rich personalities raised from 70% of worldwide income to 85%. The pure value of income for only 385 men of the richest was equal to that of 2.3 Billion poor men. This period was the time to modernizing whether optional or by enforcing the same economical policies by IMF and WTO. In Indonesia modernizing by those policies enforced by Korean fairs resulted in such a disaster:

"The boss calls us dogs, pigs or whores this is what happens every day. We work from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our income is less than 2 USD a day (60 USD a month. less than 600,000 Rls.) We always have to stay for extra work time often extended to 9 p.m. By this extra work we can earn 10 cents per day. We live in a 2*3 meters room for 16 USD a month. 2 liters of water cost 10 cents and we have to pay 1.5 USD each day for the worst kind of food to survive."
(Source: IOC. cit. The Communist Manifesto Now, Socialist Register, 1998)

People think that if the world's leading economical powers are against our modernizing will then we can do it by ourselves! (That's the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard because their benefit is to just modernizing us to turn our whole nations to their own slaves as they has done in those mentioned regions.) You've just raw resources to sell out as national treasures or you have to invent the technology required to process the raw material into valuable goods. You have to start over from their industrial revolution to invent your own technology. They will not borrow that to you for free my independent friends! Even worst you've to start over from their 13th century!

In brief, modernizing the third world has been a disaster both in cultural and industrial fields. If we do not accept this damned progress we will be called uncivilized and barbarous.
The modern western civilization is based on slavery and stealing third world resources and not kicking out the religion. Religious beliefs in US have never been so tight during recent centuries.
We'll discuss more on this issue in our next posts.

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Toumaj B. Othmun, West Los Angeles (310) 893-0934

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